Edit - Cathi kindly pointed out that none of the photos were showing. I have had hassle with Blogger trying to post at all this time but I've had another fiddle and hope the pictures are there now.
I have been so busy.
I have, literally, a pile of finishes to show you.
And then some.
So, seeing as this posting is going to be long and full of photos, I will keep my chatter down to a minimum.
You will have seen some of these in their 'raw' state anyway, so I probably don't need to say much more about them
This is LHN 'Summer' from their monochromatic seasons finished as a little box/lid/thing.
Do they have a name?
Do they have a name?
This and the following project you may recognise as the results of my feeble attempts at primitiving!
They are both freebies from Pineberry Lane finished as small cushions.
On this one I have used a couple of my Victorian pins.
Actually when I showed the whole pile of projects to my mum, this is the one she liked most.
I had an idea for a new hanger and tried it here.
I used Nymo thread with needles on both ends and threaded them from each end of the bead, crossing through it - if you follow my fumbling explanation.
I like it and will probably use it again.
It is substantial without being heavy.
Waiting for the Harvest, stitched over one on 32 count.
This took much longer than I had anticipated.
Now that Winter is fast approaching it is dark so early here in the Northern hemisphere and I much prefer to stitch over one on this count linen in natural light
Another LHN, this time from the 2011 JCS Christmas issue magazine.
Again stitched over one and quite tiny.
LHN ornament of the month.
(I hadn't realised how many of their designs I had chosen 'til now)
This one artistically photographed
And then some?
From the blog title.
These freebies from Daffycat for Toby's girlfriend Victoria's niece.
The larger one stitched over two to give away, and the smaller one stitched over one
to maybe hang on the Christmas tree?
to maybe hang on the Christmas tree?
Behind is a little book found at an antique fair called
'Daisy's visit to Uncle Jack'.
This book was presented to Miss Elizabeth Robinson as a reward for her efforts in collecting for the Foreign Missionary Society in 1897.

Ta da!!
My latest effort from the stained glass class.
Not perfect, but at least I dare show you it a little closer than the box.
I am just loving this class and have already signed up for next year.
I know - a lot to plough through, but thank you if you did.
Welcome new followers and thank you again longer serving ones.
Love Irene xxx