I am so busy with a visitor here from America that I have no time to stitch, to post, to breathe!
However, I must just tell you two things very quickly. Patti is celebrating three years blogging and is having an amazing giveaway. She calls it 'the mother of all giveaways' and it is! So go on over and enter TODAY!! (http://tapestry-of-dreams.blogspot.com)
The other thing I wanted to share is, for me, equally amazing.
I was walking along the beach with my mum and the dog and chattering away as usual when suddenly, my mum stopped saying 'Sorry to interrupt, but what is that?'
When we looked, it was a pod of dolphins playing just off the shoreline. They were jumping and doing that lovely curved swimming thing and were just beautiful. We couldn't move, we just stood there transfixed by these creatures. We watched for about 20 minutes until they moved north along the coast and were lost to sight.
Now those of you in hotter climes must be thinking 'er yeah - so?' but remember this is the North-east coast of England, not the Gulf of Mexico and I have walked on the beach every day for 6 years and have never seen them before. We felt so privileged and our spirits were lifted.
I will try to get some stitching done soon, and sort out a giveaway and finally give out the awards. Please bear with me.
Irene xx
Des moufles bien chaudes
Les jours rallongent et se réchauffent, mais il est encore temps de vous
montrer les trop jolies moufles que j'ai offertes à mes poulettes pour
Noël, en la...
12 hours ago