This morning I walked the dog very early and it was a glorious start to the day. The sand was so smooth and still wet, reflecting the sun's glow. Cold though!
This afternoon I will go to my Cross Stitch get-together. A lovely group of ladies sit and stitch and share. It is organised by my local cross stitch and knitting shop. Our hostess, Linda, will provide tea and biscuits and we will no doubt spend a happy couple of hours there.
I did very little stitching over the weekend, so I am looking forward to picking it up again। My son bought his first totally new car which arrived on Saturday afternoon, it is a Coupe Cabriolet, so obviously we had to do bit of cruisin'whilst the sun shone! However he has taken it to work now so its back to the real world for me.
Trousse de broderie so chic
J'avais besoin d'une trousse pour ranger ma broderie en cours d'un format
un peu plus grand que les autres trousses que j'avais déjà réalisées. Je me
suis ...
22 hours ago